Peso Convertible
Historical heroes and heroines

Withdrawn: 1992 - Hoy
Symbol: $
Rate of: 1 $ = 10,000 ₳

In the year 2022, during the presidency of Alberto Fernandez, the issuance of a new family of bills was announced that marks the return of historical personalities to paper money.

The new family is made up of four denominations that include the representation of three women and three men who played a decisive role in the construction of Argentina.

As a unique and novel element, some denominations pay homage to two personalities on the same bill. Likewise, they return to their reading in horizontal format on both sides.

Historical heroes and heroines Issues

100 Pesos
Size: 155 x 65 mm
Portrait: María Eva Duarte de Perón
Back: Women's Vote and School of Nursing
Withdrawn: Coming soon
200 Pesos
Size: 155 x 65 mm
Portrait: Martín Miguel de Güemes and Juana Azurduy
Back: Gaucho campaign
Withdrawn: Coming soon
500 Pesos
Size: 155 x 65 mm
Portrait: María Remedios del Valle and Manuel Belgrano
Back: Swear to the flag
Withdrawn: Coming soon
1,000 Pesos
Size: 155 x 65 mm
Portrait: José de San Martín
Back: Andes Crossing
Withdrawn: Present
2,000 Pesos
Size: 155 x 65 mm
Portrait: Cecilia Grierson and Ramón Carrillo
Back: National Institute of Microbiology
Withdrawn: Present